Hi, friends! My name is Liz and I’m a travel junkie who has always had quite the itch to see more of the world. When it comes to traveling I become obsessed with finding all the hidden gems and the most unique experiences in each city, but I love sharing those experiences with people even more. For those looking for their next adventure, I hope you find this blog helpful, entertaining and most importantly encourages you to see more of this world.
In life, I want to know I’m spending my time and money wisely — hence the name, Spend it like Stanford. When I travel somewhere, I research everything about it. I don’t always want to eat where it’s trendy or shop at places I can find back home. I love going where the locals recommend, discovering places off the beaten path and essentially immersing myself in the culture.
When I first started traveling, I found myself (and still do) spending hours researching where to stay, restaurants to eat at and things to do. There are a ton of websites out there that were helpful, but I never found one resource that gave me everything I was looking for. I knew I couldn’t be alone in thinking this, which is why I started Spend it like Stanford. I want to give people like me, detail-oriented and itinerary-loving peeps, a resource to feel like they are making the most of their experiences.
As my life has progressed and I have started my own family, my blog has evolved in to provide parents who still desire to travel despite having children with the help they need for their journeys. And, help provide resources that make traveling with children a breeze!
I hope you enjoy following along. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or if you need a little extra help on your next adventure!